Expires:202111240019;;804583 FGUS52 KCHS 231420 RVDCHS SCZ039>040-042>045-047-050-055-GAZ077-086>088-100>101-113>116- 118>119-240019- Daily River and Lake Summary National Weather Service Charleston SC 920 AM EST Tue Nov 23 2021 The National Weather Service is seeking feedback on the need of the Daily River and Lake Summary (RVD) product. Observation and forecast data, for river gage sites across the entire country, is available in RSS and XML format at water.weather.gov/ahps/. If there is a continued need for this product, please contact NWS Charleston by email at nws.charlestonsc@noaa.gov. .B CHS 1123 DC21112309 DH12/HG/DRH+24/HGIFF/DRH+48/HGIFF/DRH+72/HGIFF :RIVER BASIN :STATION FLOOD 7 AM 24 HOUR FORECAST AT 7 AM :ID NAME STAGE STAGE CHANGE Wed Thu Fri : :Santee River JAMS1 : Jamestown 10 : 2.0 /: 0.1 : M / M / M :Edisto River GIVS1 : Givhans Ferry 10 : 3.9 /: 0.0 : M / M / M :Savannah River BFYG1 : Burtons Ferry 15 : 7.6 /: -0.5 : 7.2 / 7.1 / 7.3 CLYG1 : Clyo 11 : 7.1 /: 0.0 : 6.7 / 6.2 / 6.0 :Ogeechee River MDVG1 : Midville 6 : 2.0 /: 0.1 : 1.9 / 1.9 / 1.9 RFDG1 : Rocky Ford 13 : 3.6 /: 0.0 : 3.6 / 3.6 / 3.6 EDEG1 : Eden 11 : 3.3 /: 0.0 : 3.3 / 3.3 / 3.3 :Ohoopee River REDG1 : Reidsville 11 : 2.6 /: 0.0 : M / M / M :Canoochee River CNOG1 : Claxton 11 : 1.4 /: 0.0 : M / M / M .END CHTS1 : Charleston Harbor 7 : M /: M : M / M / M FPKG1 : Fort Pulaski Tide 10 : M /: M : M / M / M Please note, the gage readings and forecasts for Midville can occasionally be negative if the river is running low. $$