Expires:202303241655;;528431 FGUS53 KIND 231655 RVDIND INC027-037-045-051-083-101-121-125-129-153-157-165-167-171- ILC023-033-047-059-185-193-241655- Daily River and Lake Summary National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1255 PM EDT Thu Mar 23 2023 .B IND 0323 DC23032312 DH12/HG/DRH+24/HGIFF : : Station Flood 7am 24-hr 7am : ID Name Stage Stage Change Forecast : Fri : :East Fork White River SHLI3 :Shoals 20.0: 5.10/: -0.13: 5.10 : :White River PTRI3 :Petersburg 16.0: 7.87/: -0.23: 7.80 : :Wabash River LAFI3 :Lafayette 11.0: 5.23/: 0.28: 10.20 TERI3 :Terre Haute 16.5: 9.42/: -0.27: 11.50 MCRI2 :Mount Carmel 19.0: 9.58/: -0.65: 9.30 : :Unavailable observed or forecast stages are indicated by M. :During periods of low flow, forecasts will vary because of :natural variations and power generation. : .END $$