Expires:202210111534;;254797 FGUS51 KCTP 101535 RVDCTP PAZ004>005-010>012-017>019-024>028-033>034-037-041>042-045>046- 049>053-056>059-063-065>066-076-111534- Daily River And Lake Summary National Weather Service State College PA 1135 AM EDT Mon Oct 10 2022 NWS offices are seeking feedback on the need of this product. Continuous data and updates, including XML data, are available for the entire country via the following web page: https://water.weather.gov If there is a continued need for this product, please contact the NWS Service Hydrologist via email at charles.ross@noaa.gov ...River Forecasts For Central Pennsylvania... .B CTP 1010 E DC2210101135 DH07/HG/DRH+24/HGIFE/DRH+48/HGIFE/ : Station Flood Latest 24-HR 7AM : ID Name Stage Stage Change Forecasts : Tue Wed Thu : :Mainstem Susquehanna River BMBP1:Bloomsburg 19.0: 2.1/: -0.4: 1.9/ 1.8/ 1.6/: DANP1:Danville 20.0: 3.7/: -0.3: 3.5/ 3.3/ 3.2/: SBYP1:Sunbury 24.0: 7.7/: -0.3: 7.5/ 7.3/ 7.2/: HARP1:Harrisburg 17.0: 4.0/: -0.1: 3.9/ 3.8/ 3.7/: MRTP1:Marietta 49.0: 35.0/: -0.4: 34.9/ 34.6/ 34.4/: :West Branch Susquehanna River KARP1:Karthaus 19.0: 1.8/: -0.1: 1.8/ 1.7/ 1.8/: ROVP1:Renovo 16.0: 0.9/: -0.2: 0.9/ 0.8/ 0.8/: LHVP1:Lock Haven 21.0: 8.3/: -0.1: 8.2/ 8.2/ 8.2/: JRSP1:Jersey Shore 26.0: 2.3/: -0.1: 2.2/ 2.1/ 2.1/: WILP1:Williamsport 20.0: 1.7/: -0.2: 1.5/ 1.4/ 1.3/: MCYP1:Muncy 20.0: 3.2/: -0.4: 3.3/ 3.2/ 3.1/: ALWP1:Allenwood 24.0: 8.4/: -0.2: 8.2/ 8.0/ 7.9/: ILTP1:West Milton 19.0: 1.9/: -0.2: 1.7/ 1.6/ 1.5/: LWBP1:Lewisburg 18.0: 2.6/: -0.2: 2.5/ 2.4/ 2.3/: :Juniata River HUJP1:Huntingdon 12.0: 1.5/: -0.0: 1.5/ 1.5/ 1.5/: MPLP1:Mapleton Depot 20.0: 3.7/: -0.0: 3.7/ 3.7/ 3.7/: LWSP1:Lewistown 23.0: 4.1/: -0.0: 4.1/ 4.1/ 4.1/: NPTP1:Newport 22.0: 4.0/: -0.0: 4.0/ 3.9/ 3.9/: :Aughwick Creek SLYP1:Shirleysburg 10.0: 2.7/: -0.0: 2.7/ 2.7/ 2.7/: :Bald Eagle Creek BECP1:Beech Creek St 11.0: 6.5/: -0.0: 6.5/ 6.4/ 6.4/: :Conestoga River LNCP1:Lancaster 11.0: 3.3/: -0.0: 3.2/ 3.2/ 3.2/: :Conodoguinet Creek HGSP1:Hogestown 8.0: 1.3/: -0.0: 1.3/ 1.3/ 1.3/: :Cowanesque River LWVP1:Lawrenceville 13.0: 7.3/: 0.0: 7.3/ 7.3/ 7.3/: :Frankstown Branch Juniata River WIBP1:Williamsburg 12.0: 2.9/: -0.0: 2.8/ 2.8/ 2.9/: :Little Juniata River SPKP1:Spruce Creek 8.0: 1.9/: -0.0: 1.9/ 1.8/ 1.9/: :Loyalsock creek LOYP1:Loyalsockville 12.0: 1.9/: -0.1: 1.8/ 1.7/ 1.7/: :Raystown Branch Juniata River SXTP1:Saxton 17.0: 1.5/: -0.0: 1.5/ 1.4/ 1.4/: :Penns Creek PNCP1:Penns Creek 8.0: 1.5/: -0.0: 1.5/ 1.4/ 1.5/: :Pine Creek CEDP1:Cedar Run 12.0: 1.4/: -0.0: 1.4/ 1.4/ 1.4/: :Shermans Creek SMDP1:Shermans Dale 9.0: 1.0/: 0.0: 1.0/ 0.9/ 0.9/: :Sinnemahoning Creek SNNP1:Sinnemahoning 17.0: 2.4/: -0.1: 2.4/ 2.3/ 2.4/: :Swatara Creek HTVP1:Harper Tavern 9.0: 0.7/: -0.1: 0.6/ 0.6/ 0.5/: HERP1:Hershey 7.0: 1.8/: -0.1: 1.8/ 1.7/ 1.7/: MTLP1:Middletown 11.0: 2.5/: -0.2: 2.3/ 2.2/ 2.1/: :Tioga River MFDP1:Mansfield 12.0: -0.1/: -0.0: -0.1/ -0.1/ 0.0/: TGJP1:Tioga Junction 15.0: 6.8/: -0.2: 6.8/ 6.8/ 6.8/: :Yellow Breeches Creek CPHP1:Camp Hill 7.0: 1.0/: -0.0: 1.0/ 1.0/ 1.0/: .End Mean daily flow forecast for the Susquehanna River at Harrisburg for The 24 hour period ending at 7 AM: Tuesday: 14400 Wednesday: 12700 Thursday: 11500 Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Tuesday: M Wednesday: M Thursday: M Forecasts assume a continuation of present reservoir releases and precipitation forecasts through the next 48 hours. Please refer to https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=ctp for detailed river forecasts. $$