Expires:201906110632;;279058 FGUS52 KILM 101432 RVDILM BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Wilmington NC 1032 AM EDT Mon Jun 10 2019 ...The National Weather Service in Wilmington NC has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in South Carolina... Great Pee Dee At Pee Dee affecting Marion and Florence Counties PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... People with interests along the river should take the necessary precautions to protect life and property from the flood waters. Additional information is available on our website at weather.gov/ilm under the "Rivers and Lakes" link. && SCC041-067-110632- /O.NEW.KILM.FL.W.0021.190613T0900Z-000000T0000Z/ /PDES1.1.ER.190613T0900Z.190615T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1032 AM EDT Mon Jun 10 2019 The National Weather Service in Wilmington NC has issued a * Flood Warning for The Great Pee Dee At Pee Dee. * from late Wednesday night until further notice. * At 10:00 AM Monday the stage was 12.27 feet. * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by early Thursday morning and continue to rise to near 19.7 feet by Friday evening. Additional rises are possible thereafter. * Impact...At 20.0 feet...Flood waters will affect swamplands and logging interests. Flood waters will affect timberland as far downstream as Yauhannah two weeks after the crest passes Pee Dee. Logging equipment needs to be moved. && LAT...LON 3424 7962 3424 7950 3400 7945 3385 7932 3385 7944 3398 7957 $$