Expires:202303071553;;566695 FGUS51 KAKQ 061554 RVDAKQ VAZ048-060>062-068>071-079>081-087>088-092>093-096-NCZ012>014- 071553- Daily River And Lake Summary National Weather Service Wakefield, Va ISSUED BY National Weather Service Raleigh, NC 1054 AM EST Mon Mar 6 2023 Go to www.weather.gov/akq/LOCAL_HYDRO for the latest observed and forecast river levels. $$ .B AKQ 0306 E DC 2303061054 DH07/HG/DRH+24/HGIFF/DRH+48/HGIFF .B1 /DRH+72/HGIFF : Station Flood 7-8AM 24-hr 7-8AM : Id Name Stage Stage Change Forecasts : Tue Wed Thu : :Rivanna River PYAV2 :Palmyra 17.0 : 3.56/: -0.22: 3.40 / 3.40 / 3.40 / :Lower James River CARV2 :Cartersville 20.0 : 7.13/: 1.26: 6.50 / 5.80 / 4.80 / RMDV2 :Richmond West 12.0 : 7.13/: 0.88: 7.40 / 6.80 / 6.40 / RICV2 :Richmond Lock 8.0 : 1.52/: 0.37: 1.90 / 2.50 / 3.10 / :Appomattox River FRMV2 :Farmville 16.0 : 5.41/: -0.59: 5.10 / 5.00 / 5.00 / MTXV2 :Mattoax 21.0 : 9.40/: 0.46: 8.90 / 8.60 / 8.50 / MTCV2 :Matoaca 10.0 : 3.05/: 0.10: 3.10 / 2.90 / 2.80 / :Nottoway River RAWV2 :Rawlings 10.0 : 2.96/: -0.04: M / M / M / STYV2 :Stony Creek 15.0 : 3.95/: -0.18: M / M / M / SEBV2 :Sebrell 16.0 : 6.70/: -0.13: 6.50 / 6.40 / 6.20 / :Meherrin River LAWV2 :Lawrenceville 15.0 : 2.81/: -0.10: M / M / M / EPOV2 :Emporia 23.0 : 4.25/: -0.22: 4.00 / 3.80 / 3.70 / :Blackwater River FKNV2 :Franklin 10.8 : 4.99/: -0.12: M / M / M / :Cashie River WNDN7 :Windsor 8.0 : 4.64/: -0.01: M / M / M / .end : .B AKQ 0306 DH12/HP : : Full Water Observed 24-hr :Id Lake Name Pool Elev. Day Time Change KERV2 : John H. Kerr 320 / : 299.9 : Mon 10 AM 0.5 .end Note...These forecast include fluctuations caused by known changes in reservoir releases. Forecasts include all rainfall through 8:00 am today...plus the effects of projected rainfall through 8:00 am two days from today. During periods of flooding ...crest forecast updates may be obtained in river flood warnings /wbcflwakq/ and river flood statements /wbcflsakq/. Updated hydrologic information can also be obtained from our web page at http://www.weather.gov/akq