Expires:202304211348;;111610 FGUS51 KAKQ 201349 RVDAKQ VAZ048-060>062-068>069-079>081-087>088-092>093-096-513>516- NCZ013>014-030-211348- Daily River And Lake Summary National Weather Service Wakefield, Va 949 AM EDT Thu Apr 20 2023 This product will no longer be issued as of April 21, 2023. Go to www.weather.gov/akq/LOCAL_HYDRO for the latest observed and forecast river levels. $$ .B AKQ 0420 E DC 2304200948 DH07/HG/DRH+24/HGIFF/DRH+48/HGIFF .B1 /DRH+72/HGIFF : Station Flood 7-8AM 24-hr 7-8AM : Id Name Stage Stage Change Forecasts : Fri Sat Sun : :Rivanna River PYAV2 :Palmyra 17.0 : 2.77/: -0.05: 2.80 / 2.70 / 3.40 / :Lower James River CARV2 :Cartersville 20.0 : 2.88/: -0.01: 2.90 / 2.80 / 2.90 / RMDV2 :Richmond West 12.0 : 4.85/: -0.05: 4.80 / 4.90 / 4.90 / RICV2 :Richmond Lock 8.0 : 1.08/: 0.55: 1.70 / 2.10 / 2.80 / :Appomattox River FRMV2 :Farmville 16.0 : 4.60/: -0.01: 4.80 / 4.70 / 5.20 / MTXV2 :Mattoax 21.0 : 7.83/: -0.13: 8.00 / 8.10 / 8.50 / MTCV2 :Matoaca 10.0 : 2.55/: -0.07: 2.50 / 2.60 / 2.80 / :Nottoway River RAWV2 :Rawlings 10.0 : 2.88/: -0.05: M / M / M / STYV2 :Stony Creek 15.0 : 3.71/: -0.23: M / M / M / SEBV2 :Sebrell 16.0 : 6.21/: -0.62: 5.80 / 5.60 / 5.40 / :Meherrin River LAWV2 :Lawrenceville 15.0 : 2.75/: -0.17: M / M / M / EPOV2 :Emporia 23.0 : 4.30/: -0.32: 4.00 / 3.90 / 3.80 / :Blackwater River FKNV2 :Franklin 10.8 : 3.72/: -0.10: M / M / M / :Cashie River WNDN7 :Windsor 8.0 : 3.89/: -0.09: M / M / M / .end : .B AKQ 0420 DH12/HP : : Full Water Observed 24-hr :Id Lake Name Pool Elev. Day Time Change KERV2 : John H. Kerr 320 / : 302.3 : Thu 09 AM -0.1 .end Note...These forecast include fluctuations caused by known changes in reservoir releases. Forecasts include all rainfall through 8:00 am today...plus the effects of projected rainfall through 8:00 am two days from today. During periods of flooding ...crest forecast updates may be obtained in river flood warnings /wbcflwakq/ and river flood statements /wbcflsakq/. Updated hydrologic information can also be obtained from our web page at http://www.weather.gov/akq