Expires:201808121445;;849246 FGAK89 PAFG 101444 RVSAFG AKZ221>226-121445- HYDROLOGIC STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FAIRBANKS AK 644 AM AKDT Fri Aug 10 2018 ...Rivers In The Tanana Valley Will Remain High Through The Weekend... Rivers draining the Alaska Range, including the Tanana River, will remain high through the weekend. The high water is due to the 2 to 5 inches of rain that fell across the Alaska Range earlier this week. Numerous logs and other debris can be expected on the rivers due to the elevated water levels. Minor ground water flooding is possible in low lying areas near rivers through the weekend as the water table remains high. For the latest forecasts go to www.weather.gov/fairbanks and the latest river information can be found at www.weather.gov/aprfc. $$ JB