Expires:202303080100;;627846 FGUS86 KHNX 071852 RVSUSJ CAC043-047-080100- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Hanford CA 1052 AM PST Tue Mar 7 2023 Forecasts are based on present and forecasted meteorological and hydrologic conditions at time of issuance. Unlisted forecast points are expected to remain below monitor stage. All those affected by river conditions should remain alert for rapid changes and for possible forecast revisions. For more hydrologic information and stage definitions refer to the following web site: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/sto/hydro_data.php Location Fld Observed Forecasts (11 am PST) -------- Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Merced River Stevinson 71.0 66.7 Tue 10 am PST 69.1 69.6 69.6 Heavy rain and mountain snow will allow for high flows to occur along the Merced River near Stevinson. Stevinson is forecast to reach to reach monitor stage at around 11 PM on March 7th at 68 feet. The stage has the possibility of reaching Flood Stage of 71 feet at Midnight on March 11th. Please monitor NWS forecasts in the future for more information. $$