Expires:202402191245;;558451 FGUS86 KMTR 190445 RVSMTR CAC053-191245- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service San Francisco CA 845 PM PST Sun Feb 18 2024 ...Special River Statement for Carmel River at Robles del Rio... * WHAT...The Carmel River at Robles Del Rio is forecast to briefly go above Monitor Stage (7.5 ft) Monday morning around 9 AM. There is a 7% chance of hitting flood stage (8.5 ft) Monday morning. * WHERE...The Carmel River at Robles Del Rio. * WHEN...Monday morning. Stream Fld Observed Fcast-9 pm PST Location Stg Stg Day/Time Mon Tue Wed Carmel River Robles Del Ri 8.5 3.1 Sun 8 pm PST 5.6 4.6 4.4 To receive the latest hydrologic information, tune into NOAA Weather Radio or head to the California Nevada River Forecast Center website at https://cnrfc.noaa.gov/rfc_guidance.php $$