Expires:202411220830;;450094 FGUS86 KMTR 220033 RVSMTR FGUS86 KMTR 220030 RVSMTR CAC055-220830- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service San Francisco CA 430 PM PST Thu Nov 21 2024 ...Special River Statement for the Napa River... For the Napa River...including St Helena...elevated river levels are forecast. For the Napa River near St Helena, the latest stage was 15.6 feet at Thu 4 pm PST. Flood stage is 18.0 feet. Fld Observed Forecasts (4 pm PST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Napa River St Helena 18.0 15.6 Thu 4 pm 9.7 5.0 3.2 To receive the latest hydrologic information, tune into NOAA Weather Radio or head to the California Nevada River Forecast Center website at https://cnrfc.noaa.gov/rfc_guidance.php $$