Expires:201702070636;;280871 FGUS85 KREV 060046 CCA RVSREV HYDROLOGIC STATEMENT ...CORRECTED NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RENO, NV 436 PM PST SUN FEB 5 2017 ...RIVER STATEMENT... For the Middle Fork Feather River... the following locations are included... Portola. Rain and snow melt from Friday and Saturday have resulted in higher flows on the Middle Fork Feather River which will continue into Tuesday. An areal flood watch is in effect for this area. More rain and snow is expected for the next few days with flooding likely later this week. See the Flood Watch from NWS Reno /FFAREV/ for additional details. These river forecasts are based on forecast rainfall and temperature conditions at time of issuance. If actual conditions vary from these forecasts...river conditions will vary accordingly. River forecasts include current and planned reservoir releases. The next forecast update for this location will be issued at about 9 AM Monday. && CAC063-070636- /O.COR.KREV.HY.S.0000.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /MFTC1.N.UU.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 436 PM PST SUN FEB 5 2017 Forecast information for Middle Fork Feather River Near Portola. * At 3:30 PM Sunday the stage was 7.2 feet. * Flood stage is 8.5 feet. * Forecast...Remaining between 6.5 and 7.5 feet through Wednesday morning. Further rises are expected with the river likely rising above flood stage later this week. An areal flood watch is in effect. $$