Expires:202402220100;;669776 FGUS86 KLOX 210448 RVSLOX CAC083-220100- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 848 PM PST Tue Feb 20 2024 ...THE SANTA YNEZ RIVER WILL CONTINUE TO EXCEED MONITOR STAGE... Fld Observed Forecasts (9 pm PST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Santa Ynez River Narrows 15.0 11.8 Tue 8 pm PST 10.4 10.1 10.0 The Santa Ynez River remains above monitor stage of 11.0 feet mainly due to controlled releases from Lake Cachuma. This river is currently not expected to reach food stage of 15.0 feet, and is forecast to fall below Monitor Stage by Thursday. $$