Expires:202402050645;;740187 FGUS86 KMTR 042244 RVSMTR CAC085-050645- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service San Francisco CA 244 PM PST Sun Feb 4 2024 ...Special River Statement for Guadalupe River at Almaden Expressway... * WHAT...The Guadalupe River at Almaden Expressway is forecast to rise into Monitor Stage (7.5 ft) this evening, cresting around 9.2 feet overnight. The river is forecast to drop below Monitor Stage Monday morning. The most recent stage was 6.6 feet at Sun 2 pm PST. Flood stage is 9.5 feet. * WHERE...Guadalupe River at Almaden Expressway. * WHEN...This afternoon through Monday morning. Stream Fld Observed Fcast-3 pm PST Location Stg Stg Day/Time Mon Tue Wed Guadalupe River Almaden Expressway 9.5 6.6 Sun 2 pm PST 6.4 4.9 4.5 To receive the latest hydrologic information, tune into NOAA Weather Radio or head to the California Nevada River Forecast Center website at https://cnrfc.noaa.gov/graphicalRVF.php?id=GUDC1 $$