Expires:202402200600;;588131 FGUS86 KLOX 191734 RVSLOX CAC079-083-111-200600- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 934 AM PST Mon Feb 19 2024 ...RIVER LEVELS FORECAST TO EXCEED MONITOR STAGE FOR THE VENTURA RIVER AT FOSTER PARK, THE SANTA YNEZ RIVER AT NARROWS, AND THE SISQUOC RIVER AT GAREY... Fld Observed Forecasts (9 am PST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Ventura River Foster Park 17.6 13.6 Mon 9 am PST 11.6 10.3 8.8 Santa Ynez River Narrows 15.0 9.5 Mon 9 am PST 11.2 11.2 10.9 Sisquoc River Garey 16.0 10.0 Mon 9 am PST 10.2 9.8 9.2 The Ventura River at Foster Park is forecast to exceed Monitor Stage of 15.9 feet this morning and then fall below Monitor stage by this evening. There is a 30% chance for the river to reach flood stage later this morning or this afternoon. The Santa Ynez River at Narrows is forecast to exceed Monitor Stage of 11.0 feet by early Tuesday morning and remain near Monitor Stage through Thursday morning, before gradually falling. The Sisquoc River at Garey is forecast to be above Monitor Stage of 11.0 feet later this morning through Tuesday morning before falling. $$