Expires:202304301900;;622241 FGUS85 KGJT 291900 RVSGJT COC083-301900- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 100 PM MDT Sat Apr 29 2023 ...INCREASED FLOWS ARE FORECAST FOR THE MANCOS RIVER DUE TO SNOWMELT... Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm MDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Sun Mon Tue Mancos River Mancos 6.0 4.8 Sat 12 pm MDT 5.1 5.2 5.3 Warming temperatures this weekend into early next week will increase flows and river levels along the Mancos River. Minor flooding of low lying areas near the river are possible. The near bankfull conditons will also create hazardous conditions as the cold and fast flow could cause unexpected erosion of the banks. $$