Expires:201706191636;;829210 FGUS85 KGJT 171636 RVSGJT COC097-191636- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 1036 AM MDT Sat Jun 17 2017 .Due to decreases in diversions the upper Roaring Fork River will increase and remain near bankfull stage for the next week. With current forecasts...expect only minor lowland inundation near the river. Fld Observed Forecast 5 a.m. Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Roaring Fork River Aspen 5.0 3.8 Sat 10 AM 3.8 3.7 3.8 Remember at increased flows...river banks can become saturated and unstable. Caution is urged as these banks can erode or collapse unexpectedly. Expect extra debris to be swept downstream. Do not let children play near high flowing rivers and creeks. Stay tuned to developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio or your local TV or radio stations. $$