Expires:No;;133085 FGUS51 KRHA 271518 RVFPA2 RIVER STAGE FORECAST NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MIDDLE ATLANTIC RIVER FORECAST CENTER, STATE COLLEGE, PA 1018 AM EST Wed Jan 27 2021 Pursuant to National Weather Service (NWS) Service Change Notice SCN 20-110, as of January 27, 2021, the following River Forecast (RVF) products issued by the NWS Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center (MARFC) have been discontinued: RVFNY1, RVFSUQ, RVFNY2, RVFPA2, RVFNJ1 NWS MARFC will continue to provide river forecast service for all existing river forecast points. River Forecasts can now be found using the following revised Product Identification List (PIL) codes: RVFUSQ - Upper Susquehanna Basin RVFLSQ - Lower Susquehanna Basin RVFUDE - Upper Delaware Basin RVFMDE - Middle Delaware Basin RVFLDE - Lower Delaware Basin RVFPSC - Passaic Basin RVFRTN - Raritan Basin For a detailed summary of the RVF changes, including lists of the forecast points included in each new RVF product, please visit: https://www.weather.gov/media/marfc/RVFChanges.pdf Questions concerning these changes should be directed to: Rob Shedd NWS MARFC Service Coordination Hydrologist State College, PA robert.shedd@noaa.gov 814-954-6426 or Johnathan Kirk NWS MARFC Hydrologist State College, PA johnathan.kirk@noaa.gov 814-954-6419 $$ MARFC :...END of MESSAGE... NNNN