Expires:No;;219542 FGUS53 KMSR 180053 RVFSSL RIVER FORECAST NWS NORTH CENTRAL RIVER FORECAST CENTER TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 752 PM CDT WED JUL 17 2024 : THIS PRODUCT HAS PRELIMINARY DATA THAT MAY BE SUBJECT TO REVISION. : REFER TO YOUR LOCAL WFO FOR THE LATEST OFFICIAL RIVER FORECAST. : : NOTE... This product includes observed precipitation, plus : forecast precipitation for the next 24 Hours. : : : Spoon River Seville IL - SEVI2 : HSA=ILX Flood Stage=22.0 FT Fcst Issuance Stage=19.0 FT .ER SEVI2 0717 Z DH06/DC07180052/HGIP/DIH06 :6-Hr Obs Stage (ft) .E1 21.1/ 19.5/ 18.2/ 17.4 .ER SEVI2 0718 Z DH06/DC07180052/HGIFF/DIH06 :6-Hr Fcst Stage (ft) .E1 16.4/ 15.4/ 14.5/ 13.4/ 12.5/ 11.7/ 11.0/ 10.7 .E1 10.5/ 10.3/ 10.2/ 10.1/ 10.0/ 9.8/ 9.7/ 9.6 .E1 9.4/ 9.3/ 9.2/ 9.1/ 9.0/ 8.9/ 8.8/ 8.7 .E1 8.6/ 8.5/ 8.4/ 8.3/ : : : La Moine River Colmar IL - CLMI2 : HSA=DVN Flood Stage=20.0 FT Fcst Issuance Stage=19.0 FT : ------------------------------------------------------------ : upstream non-gaged model simulation point on the East Fork : La Moine River received upwards of 5 inches of rainfall : in the headwaters of the basin overnight on the 16th... : the expected high flows are not showing up yet at Colmar, : and may be overdone. : ------------------------------------------------------------ .ER CLMI2 0717 Z DH06/DC07180052/HGIP/DIH06 :6-Hr Obs Stage (ft) .E1 7.7/ 8.1/ 9.0/ 9.5 .ER CLMI2 0718 Z DH06/DC07180052/HGIFF/DIH06 :6-Hr Fcst Stage (ft) .E1 11.2/ 13.0/ 14.4/ 15.7/ 16.4/ 16.5/ 16.1/ 15.4 .E1 13.5/ 11.3/ 9.0/ 7.2/ 6.1/ 5.4/ 5.1/ 4.7 .E1 4.4/ 4.1/ 4.0/ 4.0/ 3.9/ 3.9/ 3.9/ 3.9 .E1 3.9/ 3.9/ 3.9/ 3.9/ : : :END NOTE... This product includes observed precipitation, plus forecast precipitation for the next 24 Hours. $$ FCSTR EXT: 2535