Expires:No;;650508 FGUS53 KMSR 251436 RVFWIS RIVER FORECAST NWS NORTH CENTRAL RIVER FORECAST CENTER TWIN CITIES/CHANHASSEN MN 836 AM CST MON NOV 25 2024 : THIS PRODUCT HAS PRELIMINARY DATA THAT MAY BE SUBJECT TO REVISION. : REFER TO YOUR LOCAL WFO FOR THE LATEST OFFICIAL RIVER FORECAST. : : NOTE... This product includes observed precipitation, plus : forecast precipitation for the next 48 Hours. : : NOTE... The format of this product will be changing on : December 4th, 2024. The new format is described at : www.weather.gov/ncrfc/queso : Send questions to w-ncrfc.webmaster@noaa.gov : : : Yellow River Necedah WI - NCAW3 : HSA=ARX Flood Stage=15.0 FT Fcst Issuance Stage=12.0 FT .ER NCAW3 1124 Z DH18/DC11251436/HGIP/DIH06 :6-Hr Obs Stage (ft) .E1 12.0/ 12.0/ 11.9/ 11.8 .ER NCAW3 1125 Z DH18/DC11251436/HGIFF/DIH06 :6-Hr Fcst Stage (ft) .E1 11.7/ 11.6/ 11.5/ 11.4/ 11.3/ 11.2/ 11.1/ 10.9 .E1 10.9/ 10.8/ 10.7/ 10.7/ 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6 .E1 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6/ 10.6 .E1 10.6/ 10.5/ 10.5/ 10.4/ : : :END NOTE... This product includes observed precipitation, plus forecast precipitation for the next 48 Hours. $$ FCSTR EXT: 2572