Expires:202410171600;;375173 FGUS82 KMLB 161242 RVSMLB FLC097-117-171600- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Melbourne FL 842 AM EDT Wed Oct 16 2024 The Little Wekiva River and Shingle Creek are forecast to continue a gradual decline through Action Stage today, and will likely fall below Action Stage this evening. Fld Observed Forecasts (10/16-10/17) Location Stg Stg Day/Time 12PM 4PM 8PM 12AM Shingle Creek Campbell 60.0 59.3 Wed 7 am 59.2 59.1 59.0 58.8 Little Wekiva River Altamonte Springs 2 28.5 27.9 Wed 7 am 27.7 27.5 27.4 27.1 $$