Expires:202002010038;;222250 FGUS83 KARX 310039 RVSARX IAC005-043-WIC023-043-010038- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 639 PM CST Thu Jan 30 2020 ...A statement concerning The Mississippi River at McGregor... Water levels remain high and have been fluctuating due to ice on the river. No flooding is expected at this time but small fluctuations in water levels are expected. Mississippi River at McGregor...The stage today was 13.59 feet. Flood stage is 16.0 feet. The river is forecast to reach 13.60 feet Friday morning, which is below flood stage. For this, and a wealth of other river and weather information, visit our website at: www.weather.gov/lacrosse $$ Boyne