Expires:201912300227;;512702 FGUS83 KARX 290227 RVSARX MNC099-IAC067-300227- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 827 PM CST Sat Dec 28 2019 ...A statement concerning The Cedar River at Lansing...Charles City...Turtle Creek at Austin 3NW... Recent and forecast rainfall will cause rises on area rivers, streams and creeks. However, no flooding is expected at this time. Cedar River at Lansing...The stage this evening was 9.57 feet. Flood stage is 18.0 feet. The river is forecast to reach 15.00 feet Monday morning, which is below flood stage. Cedar River at Charles City...The stage this evening was 2.97 feet. Flood stage is 12.0 feet. The river is forecast to reach 9.40 feet Monday evening, which is below flood stage. Turtle Creek at Austin 3NW...No observed stage was available. Flood stage is 10.5 feet. The river is forecast to rise to 7.90 feet Sunday evening, which is below flood stage. For this, and a wealth of other river and weather information, visit our website at: www.weather.gov/lacrosse $$ Peters