Expires:202206281515;;358133 FGUS86 KOTX 280142 RVSOTX IDC017-WAC007-051-281515- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Spokane WA 642 PM PDT Mon Jun 27 2022 Fld Observed Forecasts (5 pm PDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Pend Oreille River Albeni Falls 95000 84100 Mon 5 pm PDT 74999 74999 69153 Stehekin River Stehekin 24.0 22.6 Mon 5 pm PDT 23.4 23.3 22.5 -The Pend Oreille River below Albeni Falls Dam has fallen below its Action Stage of 85.0 thousand cfs this evening (Monday).Releases from the dam are expected to decrease by Tuesday morning and remain below action stage through the remainder of the week. -The Stehekin River may achieve Flood Stage of 24.0 feet Tuesday evening. -For the latest river conditions, please visit water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=otx $$