Expires:202206141545;;587863 FGUS86 KOTX 140401 RVSOTX IDC009-021-061-069-WAC007-047-141545- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Spokane WA 901 PM PDT Mon Jun 13 2022 Fld Observed Forecasts (11 pm PDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Tue Wed Thu Okanogan River Tonasket 15.0 13.9 Mon 8 pm PDT 14.0 13.8 13.3 St Joe River St Maries 32.5 31.2 Mon 8 pm PDT 31.8 31.3 30.7 Kootenai River Bonners Ferry 64.0 61.8 Mon 8 pm PDT 60.6 59.5 59.0 Stehekin River Stehekin 24.0 22.2 Mon 8 pm PDT 21.2 20.9 21.6 Moyie River Eastport 9.0 8.1 Mon 7 pm PDT 8.2 8.1 7.9 Clearwater River Spalding 18.0 17.0 Mon 8 pm PDT 15.9 15.0 14.4 -The Okanogan River at Tonasket will remain near bankfull through the middle of this week then recede. -The Kootenai River at Bonners Ferry will remain above action stage through the end of the work week due to controlled releases from Libby Dam. -The Moyie River will remain near bankfull through Wednesday then recede Thursday into the weekend. -The St Joe River has risen to bankfull and will remain above bankfull through midweek then recede. At this time, flooding is not expected. -The Stehekin River continues to recede and will likely fall below bankfull on Tuesday. -The Clearwater River at Spalding is near bankfull but has crested and will begin receding. -The Grand Ronde River at Troy is at bankfull and will crest just below minor flood Tuesday before lowering to bankfull for most of the rest of the week. $$ $$