Expires:201704252008;;206719 FGUS85 KPIH 242008 RVSPIH IDC005-007-013-019-029-031-037-041-043-065-071-081-252008- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Pocatello ID 208 PM MDT Mon Apr 24 2017 ...Periods of Rain This Week Contribute to Increased Flows on Local Streams and Rivers... Several weather disturbances over the course of the week ahead will bring rainfall of around one half to one inch to Southeast Idaho. This will cause increased flows on local streams and rivers. The Portneuf River at Pocatello is already above flood stage and the Snake River at Blackfoot is close to bank full. Expect flows to increase on the Henry's Fork near Rexburg and many smaller streams as well. It is that time of year when we need to keep a close watch on children and pets. Slippery ground near the water can lead to tragic accidents. $$ RS For current weather and hydrologic information please visit... www.weather.gov/pocatello