Expires:202103212230;;839992 FGUS83 KTOP 211441 RVSTOP KSC027-212230- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Topeka KS 941 AM CDT Sun Mar 21 2021 ...The Republican River at Clay Center is expected to crest just below Flood Stage early Wednesday morning... For the Republican River at Clay Center...the latest stage is 8.9 feet at 8 AM Sunday. Flood stage is 15.0 feet. The maximum stage forecast is 14.7 feet at 1 AM Wednesday. This forecast is based on forecast rainfall, so this crest may vary if actual rainfall and runoff is greater or less than anticipated. Fld Obs Forecasts Location Stg Stg Day/Time Sun Mon Tue 1pm 1pm 1pm Republican River Clay Center 15.0 8.9 Sun 8am 8.8 8.5 14.1 Later statements, possibly warnings, may be issued as additional information becomes available. This product along with additional weather and stream information is available at www.weather.gov/top/. $$