Expires:202206081302;;250082 FGUS83 KICT 071302 RVSICT KSC125-081302- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Wichita KS 802 AM CDT Tue Jun 7 2022 For the Verdigris River, the following locations are included: Coffeyville. at Coffeyville: * No flooding is forecast at this time. * The 6 AM Tuesday stage was 13.6 feet and falling. * The flood stage is 18.0 feet. * It is forecast to continue to fall. Thus this will be the final forecast for this site for this event. Stay tuned to further developments by listening to NOAA Weather radio or local media sources. FLD OBSERVED FORECAST 7 AM Location STG STG DAY TIME Wed Thu Fri Verdigris River Coffeyville 18.0 13.6 Tue 6 AM 11.0 9.7 9.6 $$