Expires:202102241400;;518145 FGUS81 KPBZ 231427 RVSPBZ MDZ001-OHZ039>041-048>050-057>059-068-069-PAZ007>009-013>016-020>023- 029-031-073>076-WVZ001>004-012-021>023-041-241400- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 925 AM EST Tue Feb 23 2021 ...River Ice Statement... DATE OF OBSERVATION: 02/20/2021 02:00 PM EST LOCATION: 5 N Kittanning REPORT: Partial ice coverage (<75%). REMARKS: River ice observed 20 february 2021 from lock 7 kittanning up river to hillville (north of east brady) river iced over approx. 90% with varying thickness up to one foot, some locations river iced over 100%. various feeder streams were showing significant ice as well. ice was piling up in the brady's bend area... no flooding observed at time of observation. Ice thickness is greater than 6 inches. DATE OF OBSERVATION: 02/21/2021 12:00 PM EST LOCATION: Ahrensville REPORT: Partial ice coverage (<75%). REMARKS: Ice is stationary. no water on top. river flowing underneath with no issues. Ice thickness is 3-6 inches.