Expires:202003061637;;017555 FGUS83 KARX 051637 RVSARX MNC099-061637- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1037 AM CST Thu Mar 5 2020 ...A statement concerning The Cedar River at Lansing...Dobbins Creek at Austin 2NE... The combination of snow melt and wet soils will result in rises along the Cedar River and Dobbins Creek in southeast Minnesota. The potential for flooding will be highly dependent on how fast this snow melt occurs. Cedar River at Lansing...The stage this morning was 9.17 feet. Flood stage is 18.0 feet. The river is forecast to reach 15.90 feet Monday evening, which is below flood stage. Dobbins Creek at Austin 2NE...The stage this morning was 6.80 feet. Flood stage is 11.5 feet. For this, and a wealth of other river and weather information, visit our website at: www.weather.gov/lacrosse $$ Boyne