Expires:202205051026;;402236 FGUS83 KSGF 041927 RVSSGF MOC097-119-145-KSC021-051026- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 227 PM CDT Wed May 4 2022 Significant rises are expected on the following river: For the Elk River near Tiff City. Flood stage is 15.0 feet. The latest stage was 6.5 feet at 1 PM Wednesday. The river may rise to near 13.5 feet by 1 AM Friday. For the Shoal Creek near Joplin. Flood stage is 11.5 feet. The latest stage was 3.4 feet at 1 PM Wednesday. The river may rise to near 7.5 feet by 7 AM Friday. For the Spring River above Baxter Springs. Flood stage is 14.0 feet. The latest stage was 4.8 feet at 1 PM Wednesday. The river may rise to near 12.0 feet by 7 AM Friday. For the Spring River at Carthage. Flood stage is 10.0 feet. The latest stage was 4.6 feet at 2 PM Wednesday. The river may rise to near 9.0 feet by 7 PM Thursday. For the Spring River near Waco. Flood stage is 19.0 feet. The latest stage was 4.5 feet at 1 PM Wednesday. The river may rise to near 16.5 feet by 7 AM Friday. Watch for updates and possible warnings. $$