Expires:202205030522;;276803 FGUS83 KSGF 021422 RVSSGF MOC013-185-217-030522- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Springfield MO 922 AM CDT Mon May 2 2022 Significant rises are expected on the following river forecast locations: For the Osage River near Schell City. Flood stage is 30.0 feet. The latest stage was 22.4 feet at 9 AM Monday. The river may rise to near 29.5 feet by 7 PM Wednesday. For the Osage River at Taberville. Flood stage is 23.0 feet. The latest stage was 17.7 feet at 9 AM Monday. The river may rise to near 21.8 feet by 1 AM Thursday. Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as 6 inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away. $$