Expires:202305291300;;233470 FGUS83 KGID 282221 RVSGID NEC083-291300- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Hastings NE 521 PM CDT Sun May 28 2023 ...BANKFULL LEVELS EXPECTED ON THE REPUBLICAN RIVER IN WESTERN HARLAN COUNTY UPSTREAM OF HARLAN COUNTY LAKE... Fld Observed Forecasts (7 pm CDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Mon Tue Wed Republican River Orleans 9.0 1.3 Sun 4 pm CDT 8.4 8.5 6.4 The latest forecast for the Republican River at Orleans is for a steady rise in levels Sunday night through the daytime hours Monday. The river is forecast to crest very near the flood stage of 9 feet late Monday evening through Tuesday morning. However, there remains some uncertainty regarding the peak crest forecast, as crests upstream of Orleans have fallen just short of expectations. The potential for additional rainfall Sunday evening and overnight also adds to the uncertainty. Those with interests along the Republican River in Harlan County upstream of Alma should keep a close eye on updated forecasts as a Flood Warning may become necessary over the next 24 to 36 hours. $$