Expires:202006160143;;142337 FGUS83 KLBF 120147 CCA RVSLBF NEC089-160143- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service North Platte NE 844 PM CDT Thu Jun 11 2020 ...ELEVATED RIVER LEVELS ALONG THE ELKHORN RIVER NEAR EWING... .The Elkhorn River near Ewing was currently at 6.2 feet and is forecast to crest at 7.9 feet saturday morning, which is 1.1 foot below the flood stage of 9.0 feet. While the river levels are forecast to become high, no flooding is expected at this time. && The current observed and forecast stages for the next four days include: Fld Obs Forecast 7 AM CDT Location Stg Stg Day Time Fri Sat Sun Mon Elkhorn River Ewing 1N 9.0 6.2 Thu 08 PM 7.1 7.9 7.8 7.3 Stay tuned for further developments by listening to NOAA Weather Radio, radio and television stations or online at www.weather.gov/northplatte. $$ Roberg