Expires:201905011800;;137793 FGUS85 KABQ 301630 RVSABQ NMC039-011800- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 1030 AM MDT Tue Apr 30 2019 ...HIGHER THAN NORMAL FLOWS ON THE RIO CHAMA AND RIO OJO CALIENTE CONTINUING... Higher than normal flows will continue on the Rio Chama and Rio Ojo Caliente, however, temperatures will cool down enough to slow the rate of snowmelt and runoff through the middle of this week. Flood Observed Forecast 6am Location Stg Stg Day Time Wed Thu Fri Rio Ojo Caliente La Madera 7.0 6.6 Tue 04 AM 7.1 7.0 7.0 Rio Chama Chamita 8.0 6.7 Tue 04 AM 6.7 6.8 6.8 Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio or other media outlets for the latest information on this situation. Additional information is available at https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=abq. $$