Expires:202405291200;;307788 FGUS85 KLKN 282010 CCA RVSLKN NVC013-291200- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Elko NV 109 PM PDT Tue May 28 2024 ...THE HUMBOLDT RIVER AT COMUS EXPECTED TO RISE INTO ACTION STAGE THIS WEEK... Fld Observed Forecasts (1 pm PDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Humboldt River Comus 9.5 8.4 Tue 12 pm PD 8.5 8.5 8.5 With warming temperatures forecasted this week, increased snowmelt is expected to lead to minor river rises. The California Nevada River Forecast Center (CNRFC) is forecasting the Humboldt River at Comus to rise into action stage (8.5 feet) and remain in action stage through midweek. Flood stage is 9.5 feet. $$