Expires:202005190303;;864596 FGUS84 KOUN 181903 RVSOUN OKC005-190303- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 203 PM CDT Mon May 18 2020 ...A crest near flood stage is forecast for the following locations along the Clear Boggy Creek... For the Clear Boggy Creek near Caney... * Flood stage is 26.0 feet. * The latest stage was 25.68 feet at 1 PM Monday. * The Clear Boggy Creek is forecast to crest near 25.7 feet Monday evening. * Impact...When the Clear Boggy Creek reaches 26.0 feet near Caney... The creek reaches bankfull levels in western Atoka County and the northeastern edge of Bryan County. High stages on small feeder streams could further result in greater-than-bankfull overflows to mainstem bottomlands. Croplands...pastures...and some secondary rural roads along and near Clear Boggy Creek are affected. $$