Expires:201906010949;;785538 FGUS84 KOUN 010149 RVSOUN OKC051-010949- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 849 PM CDT Fri May 31 2019 ...A crest near flood stage is forecast for the following locations along the Washita River... For the Washita River near Chickasha... * Flood stage is 19.0 feet. * The latest stage was 18.90 feet at 1 PM Friday. * The Washita River near Chickasha has crested and will continue falling. * Impact...When the Washita River reaches 19.0 feet near Chickasha... Flooding of croplands and pastures occurs...extending in Grady County from upstream of Chickasha to near Tabler. Overflow depths on agricultural fields vary...averaging up to 2 feet. Deeper flows in side channels could isolate some areas. The county road west of the Chickasha Airport is overtopped at a stage of 19 feet. $$