Expires:201905261640;;480089 FGUS84 KOUN 260840 RVSOUN OKC059-151-153-261640- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 340 AM CDT Sun May 26 2019 ...A crest near flood stage is forecast for the following location along the Cimarron River... For the Cimarron River near Buffalo... * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * The latest stage was 8.56 feet at 2 AM Sunday. * The Cimarron River is forecast to crest near 8.7 feet Tuesday evening. * Impact...When the Cimarron River reaches 9.0 feet near Buffalo... Shallow flooding affects croplands...pastures...and other low-lying areas near the river. Areas affected extend from near the Oklahoma-Kansas state line...downstream to near Freedom. Cattle and other property should be relocated to places which are higher than nearby river banks...to avoid being isolated for several hours by water in side channels. $$