Expires:201906070245;;083326 FGUS84 KOUN 061845 RVSOUN OKC065-075-141-070245- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 145 PM CDT Thu Jun 6 2019 ...A crest near flood stage is forecast for the following location along the North Fork Red River... For the North Fork Red River near Headrick... * Flood stage is 14.0 feet. * The latest stage was 11.65 feet at 1 PM Thursday. * The North Fork Red River is forecast to crest near 13.6 feet Friday evening. * Impact...When the North Fork Red River reaches 13.0 feet near Headrick...Near bankfull stages or higher occur along the river occur in Kiowa...Jackson...and Tillman counties. Upstream points in Kiowa County may see high stages several hours before the crest reaches the Headrick area. The crest reaches downstream points near Tipton much later. $$