Expires:202005160308;;707897 FGUS84 KOUN 151909 RVSOUN OKC125-133-160308- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 209 PM CDT Fri May 15 2020 ...A crest near flood stage is forecast for the following location along the Little River... For the Little River near Tecumseh... * Flood stage is 11.0 feet. * The latest stage was 5.04 feet at 1 PM Friday. * The Little River is forecast to crest near 10.8 feet early Saturday morning. * Impact...When the Little River reaches 11.0 feet near Tecumseh... Low-lying croplands...pastures...and rural roads may experience shallow flooding or be isolated by deeper water in overflow channels cutting across the flood plain. The area affected is entirely rural...and downstream of Lake Thunderbird...from near Macomb in Pottawatomie County to near Bowlegs in western Seminole County. $$