Expires:201612261644;;098143 FGUS83 KFSD 251644 RVSFSD HYDROLOGIC STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SIOUX FALLS SD 1044 AM CST SUN DEC 25 2016 .The following river forecasts include forecast precipitation through tonight. Any additional future rains could affect the crest forecasts. Additional information is available at http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=fsd Stay tuned for further updates by listening to NOAA weather radio... or your local radio and TV stations. 1044 AM CST SUN DEC 25 2016 ...For the Floyd River At Sheldon... * The stage at 9 AM Sunday was 3.9 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * The river is expected to rise to near 13.4 feet around 6 AM Monday... $$ IAC149-SDC127-261644- 1044 AM CST SUN DEC 25 2016 ...For the Big Sioux River At Akron... * The stage at 10 AM Sunday was 11.1 feet. * Flood stage is 16.0 feet. * The river is expected to rise to near 15.9 feet around 12 AM Thursday...but will remain below flood stage. $$ && LOCATION FLOOD LATEST OBSERVED MAXIMUM FORECAST RECENT OBSERVED STAGE STAGE TIME STAGE TIME CREST TIME FLOYD RIVER SHLI4 12.0 3.91 Sun 9 AM 13.4 Mon 6 AM ALTI4 12.0 6.44 Sun 10 AM 13.9 Mon 12 PM OCHEYEDAN RIVER SPOI4 8.0 3.79 Sun 10 AM 9.2 Tue 12 AM LITTLE SIOUX RIVER LSSI4 10.0 9.9 Mon 6 AM SPWI4 10.0 6.72 Sun 9 AM 10.2 Mon 12 PM LNNI4 18.0 16.42 Sun 10 AM 18.1 Wed 6 AM CHKI4 17.0 E9.30 Sun 6 AM 16.0 Tue 6 AM BIG SIOUX RIVER HWDI4 19.0 16.44 Sun 9 AM 20.5 Wed 6 AM AKRI4 16.0 11.06 Sun 10 AM 15.9 Thu 12 AM