Expires:202006131500;;168586 FGUS84 KMEG 121454 RVSMEG TNC069-097-167-131500- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 954 AM CDT Fri Jun 12 2020 ...Above bankfull but below flood stage levels were observed along the Hatchie River... For the Hatchie River at Rialto * The latest stage was 9.08 feet and rising. * Impacts at 12.0 feet. Lowlands near the river begin to flood. For the Hatchie River at Bolivar * The latest stage was 13.8 feet and falling. * Impacts at 18.0 feet. Low-lying land near the river is flooding. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued when conditions warrant. For graphical river and flood information, please go to www.weather.gov/memphis and select Rivers and Lakes. Stay tuned to your weather radio and your local news for the latest river information. && Additional stage information and forecasts if available. Fld Observed Forecasts (7 am) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Sat Sun Mon Hatchie River Rialto 20.0 9.1 Fri 9 am 11.3 12.7 12.6 Bolivar 18.0 13.8 Fri 9 am 13.5 13.1 12.6 $$