Expires:201505281107;;298287 FGUS84 KAMA 280507 RVSAMA TXC211-281107- HYDROLOGIC STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE AMARILLO TX 1207 AM CDT THU MAY 28 2015 For the Canadian River...the following locations are included... Canadian 2NE. .6 to 8 inches of rain have fallen upstream of the gage site. The runoff from the heavy rain has caused a significant rise on the river. The river is expected to rise to around its 7 foot bankfull stage early this morning. For the Canadian River At Canadian 2NE. * Latest stage: 6.3 feet at 12 AM Thursday. * Flood stage: 8.0 feet. * Bankfull stage: 7.0 feet. At 8.0 feet...Minor overbank flooding of farm and ranch land occurs. No significant damage expected to occur. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio...commercial radio or television stations...or your local cable television service provider for later statements concerning this event. $$