Expires:201905060904;;399421 FGUS84 KEWX 051503 RVSEWX TXC175-255-060904- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 1003 AM CDT Sun May 5 2019 This river statement is for the San Antonio River. For the San Antonio River at Hwy 72 nr Runge. * Latest stage: 18.7 feet at 09 AM Sunday. * Flood Stage: 27.0 feet. * Bankfull Stage: 22.0 feet. * Forecast: No flooding is expected...with the river forecast to crest around 20.1 feet 07 AM Monday. Isolated showers and thunderstorms are forecast tonight. && Below are the latest river stages and forecasts: BF FLD Observed Forecast 7AM Location STG STG STG Day Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Hwy 72 nr Runge 22 27 18.7 Sun 09 AM 20.1 18.0 14.4 12.7 11.9 $$