Expires:201904230808;;744419 FGUS84 KFWD 222009 RVSFWD TXC289-395-230808- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 309 PM CDT Mon Apr 22 2019 * For the Navasota River...no flooding is observed or forecast. Navasota River near Easterly. * At 200 PM Monday the stage was 18.48 feet. * Flood stage is 19 feet. * Forecast...River is below flood stage and continues to slowly recede. Water levels will continue to fall for the next few days. && Fld Observed Forecast 12-UTC Location Stg Stg Day Time Tue Wed Thu Fri Navasota River Easterly 19 18.5 Mon 02 PM 16.7 15.6 14.3 13.6 $$