Expires:201904210121;;631059 FGUS84 KFWD 201320 RVSFWD TXC367-210121- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Fort Worth TX 820 AM CDT Sat Apr 20 2019 * For the Brazos River...no flooding is observed or forecast. Brazos River Near Dennis. * At 0730 AM Saturday the stage was 11.19 feet. * Flood stage is 21 feet. * Forecast...River is below flood stage and continues to slowly recede. Water levels will continue to fall for the next few days. && Fld Observed Forecast 12-UTC Location Stg Stg Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Brazos River Dennis 21 11.2 Sat 07 AM 6.9 5.1 4.8 4.8 $$