Expires:201905050756;;344898 FGUS84 KEWX 041356 RVSEWX TXC465-050756- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio TX 856 AM CDT Sat May 4 2019 This river statement is for the Devils River. For the Devils River At Bakers Crossing 19N Of Comstock. * Latest stage: 3.1 feet...0.9 meters at 08 AM Saturday. * Flood Stage: 6.0 feet...1.8 meters. * Bankfull Stage: 4.0 feet...1.2 meters. * Forecast: The river is below action stage and will continue a slow fall. This is the last forecast for this event. && Below are the latest river stages and forecasts (feet): BF FLD Observed Forecast 7AM (FT) Location STG STG STG Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Bakers Crossing 4 6 3.1 Sat 08 AM 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Below are the latest river stages and forecasts (meters): BF FLD Observed Forecast 7AM (M) Location STG STG STG Day Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Bakers Crossing 1 2 0.9 Sat 08 AM 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 $$