Expires:202010131330;;429491 FGUS81 KRNK 130536 RVSRNK VAC083-131330- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 136 AM EDT Tue Oct 13 2020 Dan River at South Boston Above Action Stage...but Not Forecast to Reach Flood Stage Fld Observed Forecasts (2 am EDT) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Wed Thu Fri Dan River South Boston 22.0 19.4 Tue 1 am EDT 13.3 10.2 9.8 Rainfall of 2 to 3 inches was common Saturday into Sunday across the upper portion of the Dan River basin in association with the remnants of Hurricane Delta. Consequently, the Dan River at South Boston has risen from around 10 feet early Monday morning to its current level of 19.5 feet. Action stage is 18.0 feet but flood stage is 22.0 feet. The river is nearing crest is not expected to rise above 20 feet and thus is not forecast to reach flood stage. No significant additional rainfall is expected during the next several days. $$