Expires:202005291415;;378700 FGUS86 KOTX 281217 RVSOTX IDC017-021-WAC047-021-077-025-005-071-051-IDC017-WAC007-019-047- IDC021-WAC063-291415- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Spokane WA 517 AM PDT Thu May 28 2020 ...Rivers running high due to rain and high mountain snow melt... Fld Observed Forecasts (5 am) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Okanogan River Tonasket 15.0 14.0 Thu 4 am 14.0 14.0 14.2 Pend Oreille River Albeni Falls 95000 78800 Thu 4 am 75463 79442 84564 Stehekin River Stehekin 24.0 21.9 Thu 4 am 22.7 23.5 24.4 Moyie River Eastport 9.0 7.3 Thu 4 am 7.5 7.6 7.8 Kettle River Ferry above Curlew 18.5 16.8 Thu 4 am 17.4 17.4 17.5 Kootenai River Bonners Ferry 64.0 58.5 Thu 4 am 58.9 59.1 59.4 Unseasonably warm weather this week and the expected rain this weekend will cause renewed rises on several rivers in northern Washington and far north Idaho. Rivers fed by melting high mountain snow in the northern Cascades, southern British Columbia, and northwest Montana will likely experience the most significant rises by this weekend into early next week. For more details, see the river hydrographs located at the following website: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=otx $$