Expires:202304071330;;336379 FGUS83 KGRB 061323 RVSGRB WIC009-061-071-073-075-087-097-115-135-141-071330- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 823 AM CDT Thu Apr 6 2023 ...Above bankfull but below flood stage levels were observed along the Pike River...Little Wolf River...Manitowoc River...Peshtigo River...Yellow River...Kewaunee River...Embarrass River...Duck Creek...Wisconsin River and Big Rib River... For the Wisconsin River at Stevens Point * The latest stage was 1074.8 feet. * Impacts at 1074.0 feet. There is flooding of wooded lowland. For the Wisconsin River at Biron Reservoir * The latest stage was 1015.2 feet. * Impacts at 1015.0 feet. Wooded lowland flooding is occurring. There is minor shoreline flooding of some homes on South Biron Drive in Biron. For the Manitowoc River at Manitowoc * The latest stage was 8.6 feet. * Impacts at 9.0 feet. Flooding is confined to low-lying areas. For the Kewaunee River at Kewaunee * The latest stage was 13.2 feet. * Impacts at 14.0 feet. Water approaches Ransom Moore Lane near highway FF. Streamflow upstream may become faster due to increasing elevation as well as localized flooding. For the Wisconsin River at Whiting Dam * The latest stage was 1051.8 feet. * Impacts at 1051.0 feet. Flooding is confined to wooded lowland areas. For the Duck Creek at Howard * The latest stage was 16.4 feet. * Impacts at 15.0 feet. At bankfull stage...there is minor flooding of lowland and agricultural land. Flood stage is at 18 feet. For the Wisconsin River at Rothschild * The latest stage was 20.1 feet. * Impacts at 25.0 feet. A public boat landing on the west side of the river is covered with water. For the Embarrass River at Embarrass * The latest stage was 6.9 feet. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. There is widespread flooding of lowland and agricultural land. For the Little Wolf River at Royalton * The latest stage was 4.0 feet. * Impacts at 4.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is at 5 feet. For the Pike River at Amberg * The latest stage was 3.9 feet. * Impacts at 4.5 feet. Which is bankfull stage...there is minor flooding of wooded lowland. Flood stage is at 6.5 feet. For the Big Rib River at Rib Falls * The latest stage was 7.1 feet. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is 10 feet. For the Peshtigo River at Porterfield * The latest stage was 11.0 feet. * Impacts at 10.0 feet. There is minor flooding of wooded lowland. Flood stage is at 12 feet. For the Yellow River at Babcock * The latest stage was 10.5 feet. * Impacts at 10.0 feet. There is minor flooding to lowland and agricultural land. Flood stage is at 12 feet. For the Wisconsin River at Wausau * The latest stage was 1166.0 feet. * Impacts at 1167.0 feet. Water approaches buildings in DC Everest Park and Oak Island Park. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && Additional stage information and forecasts if available. Fld Observed Forecasts (5 pm) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Big Rib River Rib Falls 10.0 7.1 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Embarrass River Embarrass 7.0 6.9 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Kewaunee River Kewaunee 14.0 13.2 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Little Wolf River Royalton 5.0 4.0 Thu 7 am 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 Manitowoc River Manitowoc 10.0 8.6 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Peshtigo River Porterfield 12.0 11.0 Thu 6 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Pike River Amberg 6.5 3.9 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Wisconsin River Stevens Poi 1076. 1074.8 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Biron Reser 1017. 1015.2 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Whiting Dam 1053. 1051.8 Thu 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Rothschild 25.0 20.1 Thu 7 am 19.4 18.8 18.2 19.5 22. Wausau 1167. 1166.0 Thu 8 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Yellow River Babcock 12.0 10.5 Thu 7 am 9.9 8.8 7.4 6.8 6.3 $$